Senior Care News

The Wonderful Benefits Home Care Offers Seniors Who Are Struggling with Hearing Loss

Home Care: Communication Aids in Madeira, OH
Home Care: Communication Aids in Madeira, OH

When you were younger, perhaps in your teenage years or 20s or 30s, if you were considered ‘normal’ and healthy, you might not have any concerns with regard to your hearing. Unfortunately, many of these younger generations (and this has been going back decades now) don’t take their hearing very seriously. They just assume everything is going to be fine now and well into the future.

But as aging men and women could attest for generations and can attest even more now, when you take something for granted like your hearing, you may very well struggle with it in the future. Now, dealing with loud music, headphones that can be cranked up to full volume, breaking sensitive hair follicles within the ear that are crucial, it’s increasing the risk that elderly men and women of today and tomorrow are going to be dealing with some type of hearing loss.

You may not think about how hearing loss can affect your safety or your ability to take care of yourself as properly as possible in your golden years of life, but it could. In fact, hearing loss can affect seniors in many ways, not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and relationally.

Home care is a valuable asset for those seniors who are now struggling with their hearing. Even if they have hearing aids that are effective, they may continue to struggle and lose more of their ability to hear as they get older. There are many benefits that home care brings to the table for aging men and women from all backgrounds, facing all sorts of health issues, including hearing loss.


Benefit #1: Home care aides can offer more patience and understanding.

This does not, in any way, imply that family members or friends are not patient or understanding. It simply means that when you have a long-term relationship with somebody and they are suddenly asking what you said, acting as though they didn’t hear you, or seem to be “tuning you out,” you may take that personally. It is much easier to take it personally that for somebody who doesn’t have that long time relationship complicating things.

An experienced home care aide will step in, understand that hearing loss can affect communication in numerous ways, even ways we younger family members may not fully appreciate at the time. That little bit of extra patience and understanding can be invaluable to an aging senior.


Benefit #2: They notice more potential safety risks.

If your hearing is just fine, you might not have a clue that there is a safety hazard in the home of an aging senior you care about. However, an experienced home care aide, especially somebody who works for an agency and has supported numerous clients throughout the years, might just pick up on common safety hazards that become more complicated with hearing loss.

For example, what if your elderly father takes his hearing aid out when he goes to bed? What if he lives alone as a widower? What if something is wrong with the furnace and the carbon monoxide detector down the hall is going off or a fire breaks out and the smoke detectors are all blaring and he can’t hear a thing?

You may not think about these things until you read about it or something that happens. But an experienced home care aide will probably have already ‘been there and done that.’


Benefit #3: They can provide reminders for a wide range of topics.

It’s easy to forget things as you get older. It’s also easy to forget things when you don’t hear as clearly as you once did. Never underestimate the value and importance of reminders for those who are dealing with hearing loss.

They may have thought they heard you about the appointment next week, or maybe they didn’t hear clearly enough. When somebody has hearing loss and they constantly ask you to repeat yourself and see the frustration building over time may develop a habit of just nodding as though they heard you, afraid to ask you to repeat it once again.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Madeira, OH please contact the caring staff at Blessing Home Health Care, Inc. today. Call (513) 873-6515

Blessing Home Health Care, Inc. is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Cincinnati, Madeira, Blue Ash, Mariemont, Kenwood, Wyoming, Montgomery, Mason, Landen, Sherwood, Evendale, Dayton, Hamilton, West Chester Ohio, and surrounding areas.

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